XCode Interface Builder: Change class of already placed object.How do i rotate a window in xCode 4 interface builder tool thing?.Interface Builder and Xcode integration not working.Xcode 6 - Main.storyboard only showing up as source code, Interface Builder missing.Interface Builder appears blurry on retina display in Xcode 6.3.
Swift - Unable to open file in target Xcode 10.How do I (easily) delete a constraint in Interface Builder in Xcode 6.Unable to do refactoring on my Swift file in Xcode 9.Xcode Interface Builder - "correct" way to delete/rename miswired IBOutlets / IBActions?."Unknown class in Interface Builder file" error at runtime.Is there any ready-made calendar control for iPhone apps?.AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer doesn't fill up whole iPhone 4S Screen.What work has been done on cross-platform mobile development?.
How to achieve UIButton / UILabel 'padding' in iPhone app.Where to place the "Core Data Stack" in a Cocoa/Cocoa Touch application.How can I programmatically force-stop scrolling in a UIScrollView?.
Rearranging Tab Bar Controller Order in StoryBoard iphone. xcode suddenly stopped running project on hardware: "could not launch yyy.app. How to save picture to iPhone photo library?. How to hide the "back" button in UINavigationController?.
Load view from an external xib file in storyboard. How to convert NSDate into unix timestamp iphone sdk?. UIRefreshControl on UICollectionView only works if the collection fills the height of the container. Adding iOS UITableView HeaderView (not section header). How do I Disable the swipe gesture of UIPageViewController?. How to disable the highlight control state of a UIButton?. Example with a CocoaPod: HSegmentControl. This happens when the view class is in a framework. Solution 2Ĭheck your nibs or storyboard, and make sure none of your views are set to the class! Solution 3 After spending multiple days on this issues, I'm fairly sure that there is a bug here in the interface builder, but do I want to revisit this problem to file a bug report? Absolutely not. I then compiled, re-deleted them, updated by Xib file yet again, reverified with grep that yes, indeed, nothing existed with that name.Īnd it worked. Secondly, I created a new Xib and UIViewController with the same names as the one which I had previously deleted, hoping that Xcode might be happy if I created and then re-deleted them. This ended up changing the Object ID and ref within the Xib file. I deleted and recreated the portion of the Xib that included my root UINavigationController. Of course, the object name wasn't in the file (as expected since the grep didn't find anything). I could easily see from the call stack that the Nib file that was being loaded was deserializing something offensive. Working backwards, I added some breakpoints and found out that initWithCoder was being called on the parent UINavigationController-this was eventually working down to call the setViewControllers on the object and assigning the three view controllers (one of which was the offending one). Secondly, I started thinking that perhaps the object was being set by some other means. The app was indeed being recompiled fresh every time. I even validated that my Workspace settings were correct (File->Project Settings->Advanced). So, I figured the app may not have been cleaned properly. Remember, the textual name of this object or Xib could not be found in my directory with grep, so I have absolutely no idea how in the world it came into existence when I ran my app.
Of course, when view was called on this borked UIViewController, it would crash since the corresponding nib had obviously been deleted. Curiously, this view controller had a nibName which corresponded to the object file and Xib file that I had previously deleted. The class type of the first two was correct, but the third would just be a UIViewController. Even though I had deleted the third object, as previously explained, three objects would always be passed in. I was always being passed 3 objects (there are 3 panes in the navigation controller). I tracked the problem down to a call to setViewControllers on a UINavigationController which is called on initialization of the application. I finally fixed the problem after trying it on multiple machines over the course of almost 2 days! I will not be thwarted!